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Comicality's Shack Out Back


Welcome to "Everything" Shack Out Back!

The "secret" list of everything on the web by Comicality in one place... FINALLY!

Stories, Fansites, forums, ebooks, videos, and More! From the original site that started it all to the Official Magazine of the Shack that is tying other communities together. Feel free to explore the links below (and ignore the nav bar on the left, you know; nostalgia and all that...), and have fun! I hope you enjoy the all the work that has been and is still being put in! The Shack is running deep into its second decade and shows no signs of slowing anytime soon, so have a ball, and tell your friends! :)


Official Shack Websites

Comicality's Shack OutBack
The site where it all began. It may not be totally up to date or look exactly as it once did but the site still stands and is still bringing in new readers to this day!

Comicality @ Gay Authors
Now housing the official works of Comicality and many other gay authors. Gay Authors has provided a space for Comicality since the very beginning!

The Official Magazine of Comicality's Shack Outback
The only fake magazine out there worth reading! That's right, we said so, LOL!

The Official Shack Mirror
The largest ad free collection of Comicality's work under one roof on a retro looking site. Usually just a day or two behind original postings.

The "Gone From Daylight" BloodBank
A home built for the collective original works of Comicality and his fans. The Bloodbank is a place for people to imagine thier own content and share it. Stories, poems, videos, audio, drawings, and anything else you are willing to dream up and share. Check it out, if you aren't afraid of the dark ;)

Shack Message Boards

The Shack
(For open discussions, questions and advice, and random sillyness! All are welcome to join the family!)

The Library
(Wanna try writing your own story? Feel free to post it here among friends for feedback! Or read the work of others!)

The Vampire Warehouse
This one is for fans of the entire "Gone From Daylight" world. Check it out, if you aren't scared...

THREE message boards, HUNDREDS of visitors, ONE big family!
Stop by and say hello sometime! :)
(Or just stop by, look, and don't say anything. But where's the fun in THAT??? Psh!)

Shack Resources

The Gone From Daylight Wiki
Need to get your vampires or vampire terminology in order? This site may be of interest to you!

This list is constantly going to be under construction.
As old sites get rediscovered or new ones get created we will add them to the list of "Everything Shack Outback" cause that's the plan!
If you know of something out there that we haven't uncovered yet, give us a tip and we'll look right into it. Send your suggestions to jeff@imagine-magazine.org